Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weigh-in number 1

Yesterday it was time for my re-weigh-in at xtravaganza. I'll post my weigh ins the same way I used to last time around:

Weight138,6 kg
Fat %46,8 %
Fat mass64,9 kg
Total body water54 kg

Before I fell off the wagon I was about 86 kg (starting at 131 kg).

Told you it was bad... But hey, no use in fretting about it, I just will have to do the same things I used to and I will lose it all (and more)!

Nothing much to say about it, is there? Well, day 2 is almost over with, I feel the light signs of the diet kicking in which are typical for the first 4-5 days (slight headache, fatique). In the weekend it will all be over and I will be back to normal! One good thing about having done this before, knowing what will happen next! :-)

So, what's the verdict guys? Shocked, eh? Let me know if you'll be following my long road to my skinny jeans (bought a pair last time around I never "shrunk" into, sooo pretty but oh so small)! I'd love to hear from you in the comments section!


  1. Heja heja Tina!!=) Det här kommer gå hur bra som helst! För egen del så tuffar det på med lchf, minus på vågen å på måttbandet, det känns fint!

    Kram Åsa (från festen på Ekhagen om du minns mig!)

  2. Instämmer, heja heja! Kanske tjejmilen 2012 då? :) Isf är jag på. Kram / Malin G

  3. Tack snälla ni, vad glad jag blir! :-) Malin - vårruset först, sen tjejmilen, och 2013 tjejmilen i New York! :-)
